Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

05 March 2005


Excellence is never an accident: It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities

5 March 2005

I, Chelsea M. Rider, on this 5th day of March 2005, do hereby affirm my commitment and dedication to join the armed services in September 2005. In order to accomplish this, I need to drop forty pounds of my body weight (according to military weight standards), be it muscle or fat. To do this, I am committing myself to working out every day of the week. Three days a week I will follow a strength-building routine designed by a former drill sergeant. I will also perform at least one hour of cardio a day, seven days a week. This will include at least four to five days of running a week.

I will also following a well-balanced, low-fat, healthy diet. My day will consist of five to six small meals and at least two gallons of water a day. This will be the hardest part for me. This is where I need you the most. I may hate you for it, but understand my pseudo-hatred only stems from my own hatred of what I’ve done to myself. I ask for your support in my healthy eating, which may mean you might need to steer me away from Mexican food, Shamrock shakes, and peanut butter. J If I complain about being hungry, tell me to drink some water or eat some fruit and vegetables. Be harsh, be critical, be whatever you deem necessary to help. I ask this of you because I now realize that while my diet is the key to the weight loss, it is the hardest thing for me to get down and I need help in this area. I need to stop thinking I can do this by myself. Sharing my goals will now make me accountable to someone else besides me for accomplishing them.

One hundred and eighty days from today, 5 March 2005, marks the first day of September. The countdown begins now…

Chelsea M. Rider
5 March 2005


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