Oh fuck...long overdue update...
Lance Armstrong
Okay...haven't updated this in a while, and things have changed...kinda...So, here's the scoop...
Early July:
Finally made everything, according to my recruiters...my measurements and stuff were good to go...so they sent me to MEPS, in Chicago, a 5-6 hr drive...They projected me on Friday for a Monday date to get my physical and sign everything...Leaving that office that day, I cried because for the first time in my life I was finally proud of something that I had done in my life. Forget losing 100lbs...Forget graduating college summa cum laude with two majors and a minor, all in four years...Nope...Didn't compare to what I was feeling as I drove home...Anyway...Went to Chicago on Sunday...one of the other recruiters drove me and two other recruits down there because he was more familiar with the area than my recruiter was...Anyway...Sunday night I spent talking to this really cool guy that was also joining the Army...Was at the MEPS building by 0530 Monday morning...Apparently, the AF had spiffed my records, meaning they took ownership...so, for the next two hours, I spent running back and forth between the Army liason office and the reception area trying to get the Army to get ownership of my records...Finally ended up starting the physical at about 0730...did all the sight/hearing/bloodwork stuff first...Then, they weighed me, and I was over, which I knew I would be...but my measurements should have been good to go...SHOULD HAVE BEEN...the MEPS personnel measured me 2" bigger than what my recruiters had measured on Friday...The placement of their measurement was too low...Anyway...The formula that they use DQ'd me for 68 days...The recruiter I was with was pissed...Making phone calls and everything...Apparently, he got the MEPS people to admit they fucked up my measurement, and they wanted me to stay another night to get re-taped Tuesday...I said "No way!" Mind you, I was hungry, dehydrated, and didn't have clean clothes for another night in Chicago...I hadn't eaten since Saturday except for a salad Sunday night...I wasn't in the best of moods and I wasn't about to let them pressure me into staying another night...Anyway...MY recruiter gets on the phone with me...I was sitting on the floor in the recruiters' lounge because the recruiter I was with (and whose phone I was on) had the cell plugged into the wall to recharge it...Anyway...My recruiter pleads with me to stay another night...Promised to take me out for ice cream when I got back (LOL!)...At that point, I started sobbing...Everything that I had been through finally came to an abrupt halt and I just broke down...I swear, there were 8-10 recruiters in that lounge who all started freaking out about this poor girl on the floor sobbing...The recruiter I was with finally took the phone and I went back out in the main waiting area...I didn't end up staying the night and by the time the other two recruits I went with had processed, it was 0030 TUESDAY morning...At about 0230, we stopped at McDonalds and I got a large fry and a large chocolate (I HATE CHOCOLATE - WTF?!) shake...gone in under 5 minutes...The recruiter was like, "Damn girl, if I had known you were that hungry, I woulda stopped sooner!" I didn't realize how hungry I was...I even bought a gallon of water at the gas station and had a majority of that gone by the time I pulled into my driveway at 0715 TUESDAY morning...That trip totally taught me about the "Hurry up and wait!" military mentality...
ast forward a few weeks later:
My recruiter had mananged to get a courtesy tape at another MEPS to prove that Chicago fucked up...So, off we went...luckily, it was only an hour drive away...I get there...Get measured...FOUR INCHES SMALLER THAN AT CHICAGO! FOUR INCHES!! Anyway...I had also lost about 5 pounds and my upper body measurements were smaller, so I was still technically over...BUT FOUR INCHES!! Damn...Anyway...the Chicago MEPS basically said, "Hey, you're still fat, so you hafta wait out the rest of your 68 day TDQ." Heh...Yay...
Today marks the 12-day countdown until my 68-day waiting period is over...keep losing a little more weight...the Chicago MEPS originally wanted me to lose 17lbs...I've lost about 7 of that so far...either way, if I'm over, they'll re-tape me...And I've been told repeatedly, if I have a problem with where the MEPS personnel are measuring me (like that I think it's not in the regulation area) SPEAK UP! But be polite about it...
So yeah...that's where I am now...coming to the close of Monday...Tomorrow marks 11 days...Hopefully I can keep up my "Hooah-highspeed" attitude...I'll keep y'all updated...
G'nite y'all! =)
Contact info (in case you have words of encouragement or advice):
AOL IM: Armybrat97b
Yahoo!: wannabesoldier83
At 05 September, 2005 21:54,
jeNnA said…
Bless your lil heart! I had a friend that lost a buttload of weight to join the army too, and the waiting was FOREVER when she did reach the weight they wanted. It was tough. I hope it works out for you! Keep at it! :)
At 06 September, 2005 04:46,
SuGaRBuTT said…
I hope she got in and that all this is not for naught! =)
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