My 'Door'
John Bingham
Mornin' y'all...I just had to write because something hit me this morning...I was at the gym after my morning run, doing another 45 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine...To make the time pass quickly, I was reading the recent issue of Runner's World...In it was an article by Mr. Bingham titled "The Doors." It was about how sometimes, runners can be stubborn and keep gunning for closed doors (like a 25-minute 5K for a 6mph runner or something) instead of accepting the already open doors. Basically, it was a spinoff of the whole, "When one door closes, another door opens" line of thinking. got me thinking about things...Maybe that runner mentality of always running into the closed door has kept me going. Always pushing myself towards something seemingly impossible, but I know doors break. People keep telling me I'm stubborn because I'm no matter how many times I keep getting pushed down by the Army, I get back up, dust myself off, and start again. So when I read the above sentence in that article, it just got me thinking about how running has helped me get through a lot of crap. When I'm out running, my mind is's free to just think about things...and to push myself as hard as I can or want to. It's taught me that the body will overcome pretty much anything, and that most of the time, it's the mind, the spirit, that stops someone from doing his/her best. And, well, my mind is set on joining, so I will continue to push myself until I get there, because I know when I set my mind to something, I pretty much am the only person who can stop myself from achieving it. I will get there...
Eleven days and counting...
You can read Mr. Bingham's article here.
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