Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

23 July 2006


...just an FYI...I'm in Texas now. Dallas area. Currently watchin' some 18-wheeler get chased by cops...

Anyway...went to Billy Bob's last night...caught a rodeo...found what I coined a Cowboy Zamboni:

...for those of you not familiar with the game of hockey (*cough*SFC B*cough*) a Zamboni is the machine thingy they use to clear the ice off with between periods.

I'll write more later. Just thought I'd letch'all know I'm not in Michigan now.


  • At 28 July, 2006 19:52, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm fully aware of what a Zamboni is. They're those curly noodles which taste great in alfredo sauce.


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