Oh Geezus...
The Authority Song (Sent to me by Randy in an email)
Yeah, I know...over a week and I haven't posted...I'm sure y'all missed me, right? Mmhmm...
I had a new revelation this past week: I am not ready to grow up yet!! It seems like all these things that grown ups do are starting to happen to me!!! ME!!! *sigh* Jobs...credit cards...marriage!?!? Oh man, oh man...I am not ready for this shit...My mom gave me some money to get some stuff at Staples (resume paper, printer cartridge, portfolio thingy, etc etc - grown up stuff), and I almost broke down...haha...I was kneeling on the floor looking at portfolios and this guy came over to ask if I needed help with anything...I wanted to ask if he'd grow up for me...but I just asked if they had any more printer cartridges...which, apparently, they did and I just TOTALLY missed the one I was looking for...but I swear there were none over there when I looked...!! Anyway, been putting together a resume for a federal job (which means I hafta follow the format outlined in OF 510) and it's just boring. My resume makes me look...blah. The quals for the job are basically good grades...that's it...and preferrably a degree in my area...so, yay...but I feel like I need something that sets me apart from all the other CJ/PoliSci majors that graduated summa cum laude...yuck. I live a sheltered, sheltered life. I made mention that I've been taking classes through FEMA's National Emergency Training Center, but I dunno if that will matter since it's not TOO relevant to the job. My dad is trying to hook me up with a spot with the county as a reserve Deputy...that MIGHT help. MIGHT. Plus, I get to carry a gun.
Let's see...what else...oh...under the wise advisement of my financial advisor, Randy, I decided to apply for a credit card. It's not something I will ever use much, but just something to build up my credit. I'm 22 years old and I don't own a credit card. Apparently that's weird. But there's a reason! I know I would have been irresponsible with it. The more I think about it though, the more I realize this may help me right now because I'm sure there will be expenses related to these jobs I've been applying for that having a credit card will help with. Like, travel. *sigh* I really don't want one though...my deciding factor on which card to get: I could get a Colorado Avalanche card. Haha...I'm a dork, but I love my Avs!!
Oh. I also threw away six years of vegetarianism and started eating chicken. Just chicken. No seafood, no red meat, no pork. Chicken. I figured SOMETHING in my diet has to change, so maybe I'll give the low-carb thing a go...although I still feel guilty eating meat. Such is life, eh?? I'm a bad, bad person. Poor chickens!!!
Geez...I feel like there should be more going on in my life, but there really isn't Same shit, different day. Gym...home...gym...home...rollerblade with Randy...home...gym...blah. You get the picture. Which is why I'm trying desperately to get out of here. I have no life here. There's little intellectual stimulation for me...which is why I enjoy rollerblading with Randy. It's one of the few times I have conversations with people that go beyond, "Shouldn't you be gone by now" or something related to the gym/fitness/etc...Granted, talking to Randy I sometimes realize how little of an education I really got...I would love to know more about certain things...but I just don't have the attention span anymore to learn about them...I mean, I would if it weren't for the fact that once I start researching stuff, I dive headfirst into it, and end up wanting to look at 20 books on the subject and about 50 articles or something...helped me a lot in college (profs were impressed by my extensive research), but now it just bugs the hell outta me. *sigh* Oh well...
Anyway...I have chicken in the oven that I better go check on...
At 06 June, 2006 18:03,
Soxfan said…
Yummy yummy Chicken... Oh and by the way...stealing my theme from my blog entry from today much? Whining and Complaining about being bored with life... although at least I have something to look forward to... What fed job are you applying for?
At 06 June, 2006 19:26,
Soxfan said…
Valid point I mean a degree has to be worth something right?
Speaking of a degree being worth something I was bored the other day and posted my resume on monster.com and now I'm getting like 2-3 calls a day and their reaction is hillarious when I tell them I'm going into the Army. I'm a mean person:)
At 06 June, 2006 19:28,
SuGaRBuTT said…
I didn't waste any recruiters' time, because I'm still looking into the military. I'm sure my recruiters will appreciate your concern...*sigh*
I love people that don't know me...hehe...
At 06 June, 2006 21:17,
Anonymous said…
A Poem About Chicken in Thirty Words or Less
Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken die.
- Bucky Katt
At 06 June, 2006 22:27,
SuGaRBuTT said…
HAHAH...nice SFC...
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