"Do you find yourself laying awake at night, thinking to yourself, 'What the fuck did I just do!?'"
My boss, Matt SmithSo, yeah...I do, Matt, thanks...hehe...He asked me that the other day while we were doing cardio...I was like, "Uh, yeah, only every other second, man!"
Anyway...Nothing really new on the Army front...I'm still set to ship on 19 Jan 06, as an 96B (intel analyst)...For now...I hafta go talk to the station commander and see if he'll reno my contract for a different job...I am not looking forward to that conversation...
But, on to other things...I have more than a few friends that have been wanting to see me drunk...I kept telling them that after I signed my enlistment contract, I would go out and get totally fucked up...Well, Saturday was my day to finally pay the piper...and boy, did I pay...In the span of 45 minutes, I drank a Bud Light, a Pina Colada, a shot of Peppermint Schnapps, a Piece of Ass, a shot of Jagermeister, and a Pixie Stix...But wait, the list doesn't end there...The remainder of the night, I had a White Russian, a Three Wisemen, two Amerretto Sours (love those!), a shot of Jose Cuervo, and an Irish Car Bomb...Now, mind you, I have never even TASTED alcohol before this night...I was a giggly-ass drunk...I kept repeating three phrases:
1) "DON'T TELL MY RECRUITER!!" At one point, I even said, "No! I'll tell him," as I grabbed for my phone...I have never seen that many people rush to grab a cell phone...I only made one drunk phone call to my friend Roni, because she called and I missed her call...She got a good laugh outta it...
2) After someone would say something about my drinking skills, I would roll up my shirt sleeve, point to my Celtic tattoos, and say "I'm Irish!"
3) I'd get these moments of clarity where my rational side would emerge and I realized just how intoxicated I was, I would then turn to my friend Aaron, hit his arm, say, "OMG! I am soooo drunk!" and then just giggle for like 2 minutes!
I also learned that I'm a geography genius when I'm drunk...I use very exaggerated hand gestures...and I talk REALLY loud...I hate tequilla; the only reason I had a shot was because I felt that I had to - it's tequilla! The waitress apparently was impressed with how well I held my liquor...I think I not only amused my friends that I was with, but also the bar patrons that were around us...Oh well...I had a good time, but I don't think this is a habit I'm going to start getting into on a regular basis...Although, Amerretto Sours do rock...God, the memories are slowly coming back...I apparently blew my friend Ben a kiss good night as he was walking away from us...I think I also told him that I was going to take the picture of us that someone took at the bar with me to basic training...I only puked twice AFTER I got home, and when I woke up Sunday morning, I felt normal...No headaches, no hangovers...The worst thing I had/have was a sore throat, probably from all the yelling I did...hehe...
Anyway...that's enough about my drunk escapades for now...There's nothing really else to report back on...