Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

21 April 2006


"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem."
Ronald Reagan I got some pretty awesome news the other day. Thanks to Ms. KC, I have found a Marine recruiter who is willing to work with me. YAY! With my father being a Marine, my dream has been to follow in his footsteps (as much as he hates it). I've had far too many people tell me I'm more suited for the Corps because of my personality. I was talking to my grandmother once about which service to join and she said Marines. "Look at what it did for your dad." (Mind you, this is my mother's mother, not my father's mother.) My response, "But Twinky, the Marines are hard core." "Chelsea, you're hard core." Do you know what that's like to hear that from your grandmother!? The only reason I haven't pursued that avenue was that there were no recruiters around here that were willing to work with me. Apparently, according to this new recruiter, the Michigan Marine recruiters are all dickheads. Hahah...duh! =) But anyway, this new guy is totally willing to work with me. He said he can me in, even if I'm not at weight, so long as I can basically max an IST (Initial Strength Test). To do that, I need to run 1.5 miles in about 12-13 minutes, do a 70-second flexed arm hang, and 100 crunches in 2 minutes. The run and crunches I'm not worried's the flexed arm hang I'm scared about. I swing too much when I do it, and it makes me lose my grip. I think I'm just gonna work on pullups and lat pulldowns and biceps work to help me. *sigh* Other than, I'm psyched!!! Thanks KC!! Hehe...

OHH! Li'l drama in the blog world...haha. There's a blog, Politics of a Patriot, that I stumbled upon one day. Towards the beginning of her blog, she was sounding a lot like me. Except she's an extreme conservative. To each their own. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I align myself with no political party or leaning. I tell people I'm THE MOST apolitical political science student EVER. I'm more concerned with the why of politics, not the what or how. I'm a philosophy student at heart. Anywayyyy...point made: I'm not a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent. Whatever. Moving on. She had an entry that was the same as my adidas quote a few entries ago. I commented on it...and then she attacked me. Haha. "...Maybe you should be thinking about a new diet and exercise program, if your posts on your blog is any indication." When KC came to defend me, Ms. Patriot responded, "And KC, no offense, hon, but if you plan on making it in the Corps, you better start getting in a lot more shape if you think that someone who is too overweight to get in the military is 'more in shape than many of us could hope for.'" It makes me laugh. I could have commented back, but I decided to bring it to my own blog. Apparently, Ms. Patriot has not heard of the concept of 'muscle'. It's cool. I'm sitting at about 18.5% body fat, and AVERAGE for females is 22-25%. But I'm fat. And outta shape. Right? Hahah. Rightttt. I just find it funny. I can almost guarantee her DIs will have a hay day with her...apparently, she doesn't think Marines curse or drink or anything...HAHAHAH! I can only hope I run into her Republican ass in the Fleet. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I think that in the military, politics become a moot point. I mean, yeah, soldiers and sailors and airmen and Marines and Coasties all have their opinions, but in the end, their job is the same and politics make no difference. I've quoted it before and I'll do it again: "When I serve my country as a soldier, I’m not going to serve her as a Democrat or as a Republican, I’m going to serve her as an American." (Anton Myrer) My Army recruiter LOVES that quote. He gets it. Ms. Patriot will too, someday. Or at least I hope so. I just hope she doesn't take that attitude to OCC or something.

I'm done ranting now. Have a nice weekend, y'all!!


  • At 21 April, 2006 15:22, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I would have to agree with what Ms. Patriot said about u choosing a new diet. Every time I have read ur post u r always drinking, just had one or r going to get a cherry coke. Coke is a killer. Also I just got out of the Army and for my age the fat % was like 32 or 35 %... so if u are sitting at 18.5% how can u not make it. Give up the sodas and see what happenes to that middle and hip area it works wonders...

  • At 21 April, 2006 19:01, Blogger SuGaRBuTT said…

    Okay, just for clarification, I don't drink pop, except for a Diet Mt. Dew every once in a great while. And I haven't drank alcohol since I was in Colorado.

    As for the body fat, 18.5% is with calipers, a more commonly used manner. The Army, however, uses the tape test, which even my recruiter's acknowledge is inaccurate! Blah.

  • At 21 April, 2006 20:27, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I never would have figured you for becoming a glorified sailor.

  • At 23 April, 2006 11:23, Blogger Soxfan said…

    and Sgt. B wins...woohoo

  • At 23 April, 2006 15:22, Blogger SuGaRBuTT said… just demoted him two ranks...

  • At 25 April, 2006 07:15, Blogger Soxfan said…

    My Bad...SFC B wins


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