Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

13 April 2006

Back in the Mitten State

"Everyone runs faster with a knife."
FPS Doug, from this great video

I love that should check it out...and yes, I agree - everyone DOES run faster with a knife...

Anyway...I'm now back in Michigan. I must admit, I kinda missed it...I mean, I still HATE it, but I missed my friends. I don't think I actually talked that much out there because there aren't a lot of people for me to talk to. But Colorado is beautiful and I loved the mountains. Granted, as much as I wanted to, I never got my ass OUTSIDE to run...I stuck to the gym. Blah. I feel like such a slacker. A coupla of my friends yelled at me because I was on vacation and apparently you aren't supposed to workout when you're on vacation. Psh. I did. Perhaps the best thing about the whole vacation was this:

I cried when the Avs players skated out on ice. No joke. I'm a dork, I know, but dammit! I LOVE THE COLORADO AVALANCE!! I spent about $50 at the gift shop...haha...My mom kept telling EVERYONE that I was from Michigan, but I hate the Wings and love the Avs...I swear, I musta been their hero or something. It's apparently a cardinal sin to live in MI and hate the Wings, and I'm brave as hell for doing it. Hehe...oh well...I also made my mom take me to the Garden of the Gods, again. I mean, I really just love the mountains. How could anyone NOT?!

So, needless to say, I would not be disappointed if the Army decided to put me at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs...Speaking of which, the Garden of the Gods is in Colorado is the Air Force Academy.

I wanted my mom to stop at one of the exit signs and take a picture, but she wouldn't first of all because I was wearing an Army shirt and secondly, the traffic was crap. *sigh* Oh well! I picked up some Academy postcards at the gift shop for Garden of the Gods and sent one to my Army recruiter. Hehe...Now I just wait for the phone call...

Speaking of the Army recruiter, I went in there yesterday and talked to him and got measured. I added some girth to my forearms, wrists, and neck, but SOMEHOW added 2" to my ass. I don't think that recruiter measured me right, but whatever. Blah. I go back again next Wednesday. My second recruiter was there, and we chatted. This is the guy that gave me the diet that helped me lose 16lbs in two weeks. He's back on it and I told him I was going to start again on Monday. *sigh* I hate this diet, but it's really kinda of my last resort thing. That, combined with three cardio sessions (morning, afternoon, evening - which I can do now that I don't really have a job), should help me get where I need to get ASAP. Although I tend to be cranky and tired on it - but it's understandable when you're averaging less than 1,000 calories a day (I know, I's not the best, but it works!). more thing before I stop rambling...during my trip, I had messaged my co-worker on MySpace, and he said something about this girl coming back to work full-time...I was like, "WHAT?" and he said he was just joking, which of course I knew was a lie. So Tuesday, when I went to the gym to teach, she was there and we talked. Apparently no one wanted to tell me that my hours were cut while I was on vacation. Instead, let me come back to 5 hours a week, plus teaching one class. Yay. I was pissed off because there were gyms out in Denver that were hiring and I could have moved there!!! GRRR!! What's best is that even though I've seen my bosses twice since I've been home, NEITHER of them has said anything to me about it. This only makes me want to get my ass outta Michigan and into the Army more. *sigh*


  • At 13 April, 2006 11:47, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello, Stranger

    I hope you enjoyed you little vacation Go AV's. I loved the Garden Of the God's when I was stationed there also.

    Have a Happy Easter


  • At 13 April, 2006 12:44, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Join already!

  • At 16 April, 2006 14:15, Blogger Soxfan said…

    Boo the Av's suck... although they did get Ray Bourque his Cup. Thats the one time I've ever cheered for a non-New England team that I didn't have anyone from a Fantasy sport on. Anyways yeah Colorado is amazing. I hope things go better for you.


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