Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

08 May 2006

Mota, Mota, Gotta Lotta Motivation!

"Don’t blame the mirror for an ugly face."

Blah. Man oh man. Okay, I lied. I don't 'gotta lotta' motivation. I'm lucky to get in ONE workout a day lately, so two has been outta the question! *sigh* Just in one of those moods where very little seems to be going my way...Plus, my piercing is infected...again. Fuck. *sigh* After it heals, I'm taking it out. This is too much hassle for a cute piece of metal that looks weird. Besides, I'm sick of people coming up and asking if it hurts. Especially drunk girls who want to touch it. I flat out told her, "You touch it, and I will beat your ass." Hah. I'm a bitch. =)

I'm not even sure why I'm blogging right now. Maybe it's because I haven't since the 2nd? Not much has happened since then. My Avalanche have been sucking big time against the Ducks, so I'm none too happy about that. I did, however, put my "Red Wings Suck" bumper sticker on my car. Let the wrath begin.

Other than that, I've been in a very antisocial mood. I went and saw yet another recruiter the other day, thanks to my sissy. I guess he goes into her work place and she tells him about me. He used to work with my current Station Commander. I told him I'd come in again today, but I changed my mind. I let him know I'd much rather continue working with my current recruiter and that I appreciated the time he took to talk to me. He's good people, but so is my recruiter. I don't blame him for anything that's happened. We've been working together on this Army thing for about a year, and I'm not one to give up so easily. Speaking of my recruiter, I went to lunch the other day with my friend's mom and as I was driving to the restaurant, I roll up next to this guy in ACUs on a motorcycle. I knew it was the SC because he's always talking about his bike, and really - who wears ACUs in public in a non-military town except recruiters and those on drill. He didn't notice me, or cared not to acknowledge that I was RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! Eh. Anyway, about two hours later I get a phone call from my recruiter..."So it was really nice of you to wave or something earlier. I passed you on the road." I didn't realize he was RIGHT BEHIND the SC. My bad. I laughed. He was like, "I was in my truck (very distinctive), how could you not!?" Well, I was too busy avoiding the wrath of the SC in leather. =)

That is all.

Oh...and I noticed that there are hits on my blog from Ft. Jackson. I swear, I hope it's not a future Drill Sergeant of mine!! The last thing I need during Basic is DS to start ripping on something that I said in my blog...although it would be quite funny...I don't need to be laughing during Basic, though!!


  • At 08 May, 2006 12:13, Blogger Strong_R_King said…

    Sounds like your busy. Keep up your spirits and have a nice day.


  • At 08 May, 2006 18:58, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the fighting.

  • At 08 May, 2006 21:28, Blogger SC said…

    You had that recruiter thinking he was going to steal one for a minute there.

  • At 09 May, 2006 15:28, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Get your motivation up damnit.

  • At 10 May, 2006 11:36, Blogger مارية said…

    I just saw your link to me and laughed.."Female Marines DO Exist!" ha ha ha

  • At 12 May, 2006 10:26, Blogger Soxfan said…

    Keep workin hard... as someone(not sure who but I know he was famous) said Good Things come to those who wait... and you're waitin a pretty long time so you should get somethin good.

    PS. How's the Avalanche doin these days?


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