Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

21 December 2005

Less Than A Month Away

"You're not going to try to simulate a bay in your room are you, high speed?"

My Friend Nichole

So, yeah, I realize that I haven't updated this in a while, and I apologize for those of that care...My life has been quite boring and nothing earth-shattering has happened to make it necessary to post...But, yeah, today sucked.

Went to see my recruiter this morning. He's a good guy, really. But I do not like his boss very much. If I'm not the perfect recruit, he gets all pissy with me. I've spent the last three years dealing with an undiagnosed eating disorder, and he feels it's necessary to constantly barrage me about my weight. I could knock that fucker out if it weren't against some regulation somewhere. My recruiter trusts me to deal with my weight and shit, so he doesn't bug me.

And then there's the whole contract reno issue. I signed the paperwork BEFORE Thanksgiving and NOTHING yet. Not a word. I don't want to ship without that MOS, and I will let the SC know that if he doesn't get his ass on it. I don't want to be a DEP loss as serving my country is something I want more than anything, but I'm not stupid enough to just do whatever...I wish my recruiter were an ass so I wouldn't feel bad about doing it, but he's not, so I haven't said anything yet. But damn, I'm down to 29 (Okay, 28 technically) days before I'm supposed to ship. I don't have time to fuck around with this shit anymore. *sigh*

On a completely different, and somewhat funny note, my work Christmas party was earlier this month and I had to share this picture with y'all...Apparently, I was recruiter by my co-worker's mom to give her husband lessons on proper squat form so he get a better ass...This was the night I realized I had a drinking problem because I don't remember anything after taking a shot of Crown...and this squat lesson apparently falls after that shot, because when my boss showed me the picture, I about died laughing my ass off - "OMG! What the fuck am I doing!?!?" y'all go! (Notice I'm proudly sportin' the Army hoodie...)

That's all for now...


  • At 21 December, 2005 21:41, Blogger Deborah C said…

    Your blog rocks! Good luck in everything you do!

  • At 22 December, 2005 10:58, Blogger SFC B said…

    It's the SC's job to be a dick about things. It's what they get trained to do. I'm sure you have faith in your ability to lose the weight, and your recruiter does too. However that SC has probably seen one too many DEPs and recruiters slack off when it came of weight standards. My station recently had an overweight DEP and it resulted in a level of pain and suffering I wouldn't wish on anyone.


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