Two weeks...
Nothin up ahead or in the rear-view mirror
Out in the middle of nowhere knowin
I'm in trouble if these wheels stop rollin
God help me keep me movin somehow
Don't let me start wishin I was with now
I've made it this far without cryin a single tear
I'd sure hate to break down here
- Julie Roberts, "Break Down Here"
So, yeah, that's kinda what I did last night. Broke down. Mentally. Kinda. Hah...I was talkin' to a few people, and it just kept pissing me off...I bust my ass for shit, and see very little in way of return on investion stuff...Know what I mean?? I diet, I run, I workout like a mofo...I'm probably in better shape than 85% of the new recruits, but because I'm built differently, I'm 'overweight' and yadda yadda yadda...Poor Jay and Brandy...I feel bad for whining to them last night...
Anyway...Down 6lbs...So, that's good...Right? Hah...yeah...I decided today to take the day off and give myself a break...I need it...I just wanna curl in bed and sleep, but...
...TODAY IS MY LAST DAY AT WORK!!!! That should be fun...hah...Righhhtttt...I picked up a buncha boxes last night from work to pack some stuff up...It's getting closer...14 days from today...My SC called yesterday and left me a voicemail...Said it was nothing important and he just wanted to see how I was doing, blah blah blah! C'MON MOFO! What about my reno!?!? Dammit...I dunno...Seriously...And where the hell is my recruiter!? I don't wanna talk to my damn SC...*sigh*
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