Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

13 March 2006


Thanks SFC B for providing this in your new place...

Military Shuns Many of Recruiting Age.

...not as easy as it looks. Mos def.


  • At 13 March, 2006 13:38, Blogger Soxfan said…

    Just so you know... the wya I use wicked is a variation of extremely... I'll assume you realize that but just wanted to make sure :) Keep truckin things will work out in the end.

  • At 13 March, 2006 15:58, Blogger Mommy said…

    It honestly was a weird week for everyone it seems. What is up?? Thanks for the sharpie suggestion. I was wondering about that and how I was going to label dark things, etc. I think I pretty much have picked up everything I need!

    As for your recruiters you think it's b/c today is Mission Monday and they were scrambling last week to finish up the recruiting month with a bang? Stick with it girl, I mean you were SO incredibly close to shipping in January and you can be in that place again. Too bad you didn't live out here b/c my recruiters rock.

  • At 15 March, 2006 12:57, Blogger Mommy said…

    What's up with our sidebars disappearing down to the bottom of the blog page? I didn't touch anything in the HTML...


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