Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

21 February 2006


No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now.
Richard Nixon (hate him, but he has a valid point)

So, yeah. I was at the gym this morning, doing my last 30 minutes of cardio, and I looked up at the TV. Someone had been watching the History Channel. They were doing a documentary on the 101st Airborne Division during the Vietnam War (the Screaming Eagles). And then my MP3 player started playing some cadences that I have loaded on it to run to. Talk about motivation. HOOAH. But of course, this guy, one of the ones that wants me in the Navy, decided to come over and start singing "Anchors Away." He's more concerned about me not getting killed then me actually enjoying my job and what I do. I mean, thanks and all, but the Navy isn't what's in my heart, ya know? Blah.

Oh, and since I've been talkin' about the Vietnam War lately, here's a link to to Captain Walter Roy Schmidt, Jr., whose POW/MIA bracelet I've been wearing for a coupla years now. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go to BCT because I know they won't let me wear it. People ask me why I wear it and if I knew him or something. I then hafta explain that I wear the bracelet as a constant reminder of those who gave their life for their country. "Gone, but never forgotten."

Virtual Wall

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Good Vietnam War Site


  • At 21 February, 2006 13:13, Blogger Mommy said…

    It's incredibly important that we never forget those that have and currently serve. People think my parent's house is weird b/c on the front gate we have an American flag, the USMC flag and a POW/MIA flag (especially since we live in liberal CA). It's sad how many people have no idea what the POW/MIA flag is and what it stands for!

  • At 21 February, 2006 14:37, Blogger Soxfan said…

    Yeah...remembering those who came before us is very important.
    And I'd like to say, I don't consider myself insane... just a little nuts.

  • At 21 February, 2006 14:39, Blogger Mommy said…


    Thanks for the moto on MEPS and the MOS. It's VERY feasible I will not be a member of the Army after tomorrow, but I'm willing to wait if that's what it takes.

    I don't understand your current situation?? So I know you had signed and were set to ship but didn't make weight or something? So what happens, is your contract now void and you start over? How do you move forward with possibly getting a new MOS and actually going to BCT? I'm confused!

  • At 21 February, 2006 15:16, Blogger Mommy said… there are no repercussions from not shipping when you were supposed to? I thought that was considered going AWOL or whatever. Regardless, good for you on sticking to your goals. If my MEPS wasn't so close in location, I probably would sign for an alternate MOS as you did.


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