Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

16 February 2006

Holy Fuckin' Cold!

“There are only two seasons -- winter and Baseball.”
Bill Veeck

That quote is for SFC B, who, for some odd reason, likes baseball.

Okay, so I'm just being a wuss...but it's cold outside right now!! I am seriously considering ask my aunt and uncle if I can come's 28 right now, with 21mph winds, and a wind chill of 14 degrees...Saturday's low is supposed to be NEGATIVE ONE! FUCKIN' NEGATIVE ONE!! WHAT THE HELL!?

...then again, it is February in Michigan. *sigh* Change of locale, soon, please! Missouri or South Carolina might be nice...haha...=)

On other news, people at the gym keep tryin' me to switch from going Army to going AF or Navy. Blah. This one guy sings "Anchors Away" to me...and this other guy that just enlisted in the AF wants me to go talk to *his* recruiter because the AF recruiter I first talked to was a total douche...hah...


  • At 16 February, 2006 13:33, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's 85 in Phoenix. Hopefully I'll be swimming outside in a couple weeks.


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