Not as Easy as It Looks

This is just the mindless ramblings of a college graduate (double major in political science and criminal justice) and her attempts to join the United States military. You better start here...

22 February 2006

Of course...

"...It's gonna hurt bad before it gets better..."
Keith Urban, "Tonight I Wanna Cry"

Ya know when things get going good, you get in a groove, everything is well? Calm before the storm. Fuck. Things were going too well. I knew something had to be up somewhere. I was right.

The guy I was kinda-sorta seeing was seeing someone else

Go figure. I fall for someone and they fall for someone else. And it hurts. Bad. I hate it. I do not like this one bit. I was doing fine until my friend told me I should go drinking but do not listen to Urban's "Tonight I Wanna Cry." So what do I do? Listen to the damn song. Fuckin' a...I am an idiot. I'm just really kinda hurt right now. I want to eat a jar of peanut butter and sleep. I think I'll just sleep though. I hate boys.

That is all.


  • At 22 February, 2006 11:44, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anytime something big and emotional has happened in my life I've noticed, for some reason, a country music station plays a song that will trigger an emotional response.

  • At 22 February, 2006 17:27, Blogger Mommy said…

    Hang in there happens to the best of us. Okay, this may not work for you, but it does for me. Lately, every loser I've dated--I stack him up to my dream of serving in the Army. I ask myself, is a life with this guy or my future life in the Army better? Guess which always wins!!


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